SoMed's Courses

Somed-Analytical Ltd provides training programmes to support the cervical cancer screening scheme. The training will cover from sample collection, processing, screening and treatment of abnormal cells seen.

Training for Doctors

The normal cervix
Detection of cervical pre-cancer using cytology
Role of HPV testing
Colposcopy: Normal and abnormal cervical epithelium
HPV: basic biology, clinical usage.
HPV vaccination and its role in causation of cervical and lower genital tract neoplasia
Treatment of pre cancer changes
Interactive session discussing diagnosis and treatment


Training for Nurses

The role of Nurses in cervical screening programme
The female genital tract
The process of Metaplasia and transformation zone
Criteria for taking a good cervical smear and sampling process
Quality control measure and best practice of cervical smear process
Fixation of Pap smear for processing
Documentation process

Training for Medical Scientists

Introduction of the screening programme
The anatomy of the female genital tract
The importance of transformation zone in cervical cytology
Interactive session
The Normal cellular component of the genital tract
Physiological changes that takes place in the female genital tract
The process of dyskaryosis and the role of HPV in cervical cancer biology
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3
Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (CGIN)
Invasive squamous carcinoma in situ
Management of women with normal and abnormal smear results
Laboratory based training
Competency test
Graduation and automatic employment offer
Signing of contract with Somed-analytical organisation

Training for Lab Assistants

Health and safety at work and in the laboratory
Process mapping of cervical gynae slide procedure
Criteria for accepting gynae slides for processing
Procedure for preparing and staining gynae slides
Quality control and staining process of gynae slides
Cover slipping process of stained gynae slides
Procedure for de-staining gynae slides
Procedure for preparing stained gynae slides for screening and reporting
Process for filling gynae slides