About Somed-Analytical

Our story

SoMed-Analytical is setup to address some prevalent health issues in our society especially in Nigeria where awareness and consequences of Cervical Cancer are not highlighted.

Nigeria has a population of about 180 million with about 40 million women that are eligible for regular screening.  

Our mission is to fill the gap and bring all relevant professionals to work together and reduce the incidence of this disease affecting women.

We at SoMed understand that cervical cancer is preventable with a comprehensive screening programme in place. There is high possibility of early detection of precancerous cells with regular screening. Treatment of precancerous cells prevent development of cervical cancer. 
Developed countries have been able to reduce the number of women dying of cervical cancer tremendously by offering women regular screening test. In England and Whales, the number of women dying of cervical cancer is less than 1000 a year.

The UK, NHS screening programme was introduced in 1988 and saved 2000 deaths a year from cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the 19th most common cause of cancer death in females in UK, with around 850 deaths in 2017, as well as accounting for 1% of all cancer deaths in females. Cervical cancer accounts for less than 1% of all cancer deaths in females and males combined in the UK (2017).

It saddens us to realise that a lot of women in Nigeria are not even aware of cervical cancer. Screening test may be offered to people presented in hospital with gynaecological issues. Often in such cases, the help they needed would have been too late as they would have developed invasive disease.

SoMed is an organisation with the purpose to prevent cervical cancer in women by introducing cervical cancer screening programme for all women between ages 20 to 64 years. The programme will enable us to address issues such as:

Lack of multi-discipline co-ordination by professionals.

Lack of active government support and the creation of cervical cancer awareness

Lack of adequate medical professionals and other personnel and NGOs involvement in the campaign for cervical cancer awareness.

Lack of knowledge about the disease and the understanding that cervical cancer is preventable.

Lack of CAPACITY of the current workforce to provide 100% screening test coverage for all eligible females in Nigeria. To overcome this issue, we will launch a train and employ (T & E) programme that will produce qualified personnel to support the screening programme.

Lack of a coordinated and organised “CALL SYSTEM” that  ensures women are invited for screening test regularly when due.

Lack of an organised system with medics of multi-discipline working in collaboration to ensure that women with precancerous cells are followed up and receive treatment to prevent cervical cancer.

Lack of funding to support screening test  and subsequent treatment procedures.

Somed-Analytical is solving a Real-National Problem with a constructive and Innovative self-regulated mindset, collaborating and communicating with colleagues to produce expected results.

Soprinye Edna Dappa

Chief Executive Officer

BSc Biomedical science, MSc Biomedical Science with speciality in Cellular pathology.

An advanced biomedical Scientist, with 18 years of experience in cellular pathology diagnostic service (UK).
Edna is a project management professional (APMG PRINCE2), Service Support and Service delivery professional (ITIL).

Edna has worked extensively with three major teaching hospitals in London in a senior capacity and received Innovation and expertise awards for her achievements.

Dr Shelley U. Amos

Director of Administration and Planning

” Dr Amos is a Business graduate with extreme industrial inclination, zeal and will power, wealth of experience in Business and project Management span over two decades of managerial Skills, credits and goodwill.

PhD – Industrial Management | MBA – Business Mgt | MSc – Project Management | BSc – Management MRM – Master Risk Mgt | MLM – Master Leadership Mgt | CIPM – Chartered International Project Mgt

Dr Kunle Ajayi, MB BS; MRCOG

Resource Team

Dr. Olukunle Ajayi
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.

Obtained MBBS, Ibadan in 1998. He is a BSCCP Certified Colposcopy trainer,
Former Deputy Training Programme Director for the Yorkshire and Humber (East) Local Education Training Board, School of obstetrics and gynaecology.
He was involved in the training and assessment of postgraduate doctors in Obstetrics and gynaecology in Yorkshire region. A college tutor for obstetrics and Gynaecology in Scarborough Hospital, coordinated the Yorkshire and Humber wide year 1 gynaecology YMTP programme.
An established Author of several books, Medical journals and publications.
He has a genuine interest in cervical cancer prevention, colposcopy, and related medical education. He is an advocate of preventive strategies by early and regular screening with treatment options of eradicating cervical cancer at the early stage of development.
He has worked in collaboration with  the British Society for Colposcopists and Cervical cancer Pathologists to organise, ensure cervical screening, training and equipment for healthcare professionals are made available to his colleagues for the benefit of many Nigerians.
We are happy to have a renowned consultant of  Obstetrician and Gynaecologist on board.
For more contributions of Dr Olukunle Ajayi  to the field of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, please refer to his books, publications, and medical journals.

Dr Ihuoma Chizia Kejeh

Resource Team

MBBS, MSc-Reproductive medicine and Ethics

Chizia is a Medical Doctor with specialty in maternal and child health, contributing to reducing the burden of health care challenges in Women and Children.

She is involved in promoting innovations, entrepreneurship, and Africa’s healthcare transformation to drive competitive health care values.

Chizia is extending her healthcare leadership by pioneering innovative health technology. She focuses on  making healthcare in Africa affordable and sustainable

She enjoys contributing to community projects and has a wealth of experience from volunteering and spearheading rural healthcare missions over the years.  She has a great knowledge of healthcare needs of African community. She is working to see that essential healthcare is brought closer to those who need it. “

What can we do for you?

Developed countries have been able to reduce the number of women dying of cervical cancer tremendously by offering women regular screening test. In England and Whales, the number of women dying of cervical cancer is less than 1000 a year.

Our Screening Programme is designed to work for your best interest

The Somed Cervical Screening Programme will invite all women from the age of 20 to 65 to attend cervical screening test. All women will be offered screening every 3 years. 

Our Training Programme supports the Cervical Cancer Screening Scheme

Somed Analytical and Training Ltd will provide training programme to support the cervical cancer screening scheme. The training will cover procedures from sample collection, processing, screening, treatment of abnormal cells seen and management of women with normal and abnormal cervical smear results. 

Join us in the Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign

You can send us a message at anytime of the day through our Social Channels.

Cervical Cancer Screening Enquiry Form