SoMed Analytical

2 Days 

Medical and Healthcare Conference


NAF Conference Center

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2 Days Medical and Healthcare Conference

SOMED ANALYTICAL in Collaboration with SHALOM HEALTH International, United Kingdom endorsed by the Nigeria Medical Association NMA, and Medical Women Association of Nigeria NWAN, cordially invite you to the flagging off the:

Cervical Cancer Prevention conference for women, Medical and Healthcare Professionals in Nigeria and AFRICA




11th  &  12th of May, 2020
9AM – 4.30PM

This medical gathering promises to assemble key players in the medical industry in Nigeria, Africa and beyond, It will also showcase global best practices in the medical field.

Delegate Fee Packages

Group Fee Packages


Plot 496, Ahmadu Bello Way KADO,

NAF Conference Center

(Headquarters of NAF Officers Mess and Suites)
Opposite NEXT Cash and carry


We would humbly solicit kind sponsorship from your great organization, whose global status will be a blessing to this training conference.

Sponsoring this uncommon conference will position your organization as a major contributor to the struggle to attain “A Cervical Cancer deaths-Free Nigeria and Africa. We expect that by the end of this programme, and the subsequent editions to follow in the next days, months and years, we would have achieved the minimal Cervical Cancer Death or mortality plaguing our wifes, daughters, sisters, mothers and grandmothers toward preserving our women for greater achievement.

We trust that you can help us achieve this feat through your most valuable participation and your kind endorsements and sponsorships. You can reach us through our email:

info@somed-analytical OR call/whatsapp Dr. S. Amos: +234 703 302 0785


Endorsement Place Holder

Endorsement Place Holder